Room temperature superconductivity evidence with graphene in contact with alkanes |

Date 14th, Jul 2018
Source NextBigFuture - Scientific News Websites


Arxiv – Observation of the Meissner effect at room temperature in single-layer graphene brought into contact with alkanes There are claims of synthesis of a room temperature superconductor. However, these claims have not been officially accepted by scientific communities. Currently, the highest transition temperature (Tc) recognized in scientific articles is 135 K at 1 atm of Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O system which is a copper oxide superconductor. We packed graphite flakes into a ring-shaped polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tube and further injected heptane or octane. Then we generated circulating current in this ring tube by electromagnetic induction and showed that this circulating current continues to